Following its traditions, SGP 2024 attributes three best paper awards, a software award recognising the authors of an open-source software that has greatly influenced the field, and a test of time award.
Best Paper Award

“1-Lipschitz Neural Distance Fields”
Guillaume Coiffier and Louis Bethune
Best Paper Award: Runner up

“Cascading upper bounds for triangle soup Pompeiu-Hausdorff distance”
Leonardo Sacht and Alec Jacobson
Best Paper Award: Runner up

“Integer-Sheet-Pump Quantization for Hexahedral Meshing”
Hendrik Brückler, David Bommes, and Marcel Campen
Software Award
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Marco Livesu
Test of Time Award

“Laplacian Surface Editing”
Olga Sorkine, Daniel Cohen-Or, Yaron Lipman,
Marc Alexa, Christian Rössl, and Hans-Peter Seidel
Symposium on Geometry Processing, 2004